Seasonal Spruce Ups





We also offer many kinds of trees that can best fit into your landscape. They come in all shapes and sizes and can be very nice assets to your yard by providing shade, privacy, visual appeal, and other interests.



Perennials are plants that will live for a long time in your landscape if taken care of properly. Plants like Peony, Mountain Bluet, Aster and many other plants can make your landscape stand out in the neighborhood and we offer many many different kinds of options that will best fit your landscape style.



We have many scrubs that come in different sizes and types ranging from small to medium. Shrubs are considered smaller woody perennials that distinguish themselves from trees with their smaller size.


Pottery and Lawn Art


 Pottery and Lawn Art

We also offer tons of different options when it comes to lawn art and pottery. They kinds of items will help break up your landscape and give them some unique life.


 Organic Cow Compost and Bulk Black Dirt

If interested please contact us and we can provide organic cow compost which is good for healthy landscaping and bulk black dirt.



Enhancing your landscape is what gives it character and design. Finishing off a beautiful project with River Rock is a great choice to not only look amazing but to fend off against pests like weeds and insects.


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Mulch is a beautiful finish to any landscape. Cedar mulch is a rich and completely natural wood that casts a welcoming and colorful effect to your property.


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